Maintenance & Security
Every safety standard recommends yearly maintenance and inspection visits.
Walltopia offers a comprehensive climbing wall safety inspection service to help you operate a safe and successful climbing facility. We provide maintenance inspections for any climbing wall, even those not built by us.
The maintenance inspections we offer comply with the EN-12572 standard and are performed by our qualified technicians worldwide.
Upon completion, a full report is issued, detailing the inspection procedure, highlighting issues for concern and advising on how urgently each issue should be dealt with.
The Walltopia Maintenance & Inspection services include:
Examination of the overall level of safety of the wall, its construction, foundations and surfaces - special attention is given to all protection systems
Route setting (e.g. removing, cleaning and reinstallation of the holds)
Testing of the Wall according to EN 12572-1:2007
Anchor bolts of the attachment points
Welding of the attachment points
Visual inspection of the welding
Deformation (if any) of the construction (trusses, bracings, panel holders, etc.)
Bolts of the main structure
Loose or rotated protection points
State of the climbing surface
Please note that to have your wall comply with the European Standard EN 12572-1:2007, the wall should pass a full inspection at least once a year.
For more details on Walltopia’s maintenance services, please contact us at